Hospital Bag Must-Haves: 4 Things I Wish I Had Packed!

If you’re pregnant and approaching your due date, chances are you’ve already thought about what to pack in your hospital bag. Maybe you even have it ready and waiting by the door!

When I was preparing for the birth of our sweet baby girl, Journee, I did some quick research online and packed the essentials—basic toiletries, a going-home outfit for baby, and comfy clothes for myself. I also threw in a few entertainment items (which, in reality, never got touched!) and packed some snacks due to my dietary needs.

Looking back on my hospital stay after Journee’s birth, however, I realize there were four specific items that would have made my experience much easier, more comfortable, and even more beneficial for both me and my baby.

If you’re finalizing your hospital bag checklist, I highly recommend adding these four must-haves to avoid the same regrets I had!

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1. A Breast Pump

Before giving birth, I knew very little about breastfeeding—except that I wanted to do it. I didn’t think to bring any breastfeeding supplies to the hospital, including a pump.

A lactation consultant met with me after Journee was born and showed me how to use manual expression to help my milk come in, but it was difficult and not very effective. By the time we took Journee to her pediatrician four days later, my milk supply still hadn’t arrived, and she had lost a concerning amount of weight. The lactation consultant there advised me to start pumping after each feeding, which helped stimulate my supply. Within a few days, my milk came in, and I was able to successfully breastfeed for months.

Had I brought a breast pump to the hospital and started using it right away, I might have avoided those early struggles. Many insurance providers offer a free electric breast pump for first-time moms, so check with yours before your due date.

👉 If you don’t have a pump yet, I recommend checking out Spectra or Medela—both are top-rated brands among breastfeeding moms.

2. Nursing-Friendly Clothing

Since I was clueless about breastfeeding before Journee’s arrival, I packed only a clean outfit (maternity clothes!) for the ride home. I hadn’t even purchased a nursing bra!

Wearing a hospital gown for days while greeting visitors wasn’t ideal, and trying to breastfeed in it was frustrating. I quickly realized I needed comfortable, nursing-friendly clothes. Soon after getting home, I bought nursing bras and tank tops—and later discovered nursing tops that made breastfeeding even easier.

If breastfeeding, I highly recommend packing a nursing bra and a loose, comfortable nursing top in your hospital bag. You’ll feel much more at ease, especially if you have visitors.

Some great brands for nursing-friendly clothing include:

  • Latched Mama – Stylish and comfortable nursing apparel
  • Belly Bandit – Supportive maternity and nursing wear
  • ROOLEE – Trendy, functional nursing tops
  • Amazon – A wide selection of affordable nursing gear

Trust me, having nursing-friendly clothes in the hospital will make a huge difference!

3. A Velcro Swaddle

Before Journee was born, my husband and I had no idea that swaddling existed. But in the hospital, we quickly learned that a snug swaddle helped calm and comfort our baby.

The problem? The hospital blankets were tricky to wrap tightly, and Journee kept pulling her arms free. We had to call the nurses several times to help us swaddle her correctly (I’m sure we were their favorite patients 🙃).

A few weeks later, some friends introduced us to Velcro swaddles, and they were a game-changer! They were so much easier to use than the hospital blankets, and Journee stayed snug and secure.

I highly recommend packing a Velcro swaddle in your hospital bag, like these popular options:

Had we brought one to the hospital, we would have saved so much stress!

4. Miralax (or a Gentle Laxative)

Okay, this one might be TMI, but I desperately wish I had packed Miralax in my hospital bag.

After delivery, the hospital provided me with a stool softener, but it wasn’t enough. I experienced severe constipation, which made it painful to even sit up in bed. The discomfort lasted for days until I finally got some Miralax at home—after that, I felt so much relief.

If I could go back, I would bring Miralax with me to the hospital and take it right away to prevent days of unnecessary pain. Some women might not experience this issue, but if you want to be prepared for postpartum recovery, it’s better to have it just in case.

👉 Miralax is a gentle, effective option for postpartum constipation relief.

Bonus Tip: Bring Depends!

It’s not on my list because I actually packed them—but if you haven’t thought about it yet, grab a pack of Depends!

When my water broke, I was so glad I had them. Otherwise, I would have needed a towel between my legs just to walk into the hospital! They were also much easier than the mesh underwear and pads the hospital provided after birth.

👉 If you don’t already have some, check out Depend Silhouette for postpartum use.

Final Thoughts

These are the four things I wish I had packed in my hospital bag—but hopefully, now you won’t have to make the same mistake! Every birth experience is different, but being prepared can make your postpartum stay much smoother.

If you’ve already had a baby, what are some things you wish you had packed in your hospital bag? Let me know in the comments!

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